Please see below for a list of frequently asked questions. If your question isn’t answered and/or you would like to connect with a member of our team, please contact us here.


We consider our company, MDE, to be a big family; a community of parents all navigating the ins and outs of parenthood, while being supported by our team of experts. Joining our House allows us to get to know you better, welcome you into our community and provide you with the support your family needs. Prior to starting your journey with us, you and your family will meet with a member of our team to host a complimentary virtual Family Welcome Video Call. This allows us to get to know each other, discuss your needs and design a personalized plan of support for you and your family - whether that be labor doula and postpartum support or matching you with the perfect caregiver for your unique family dynamic.

An annual MDE Membership provides you and your family with exclusive access to all of our offerings and our wonderful team of experts. In addition, the annual membership covers the fees for and ensures all of our ATS (Anytime Sitter) team members are First Aid and CPR certified, fully immunized (including the COVID-19 vaccine), reference checked and background checked.

Our prenatal consultations are designed specifically for you. What would you like to get out of our time together? Conducted by our perinatal support specialist (and mom too!), Julia, you can use the time to discuss any questions you have about pregnancy - what you can and cannot eat, resources for pregnancy diet and exercises, optional and required tests that come up during pregnancy, how your partner can support you throughout pregnancy, when you should start looking into a labor doula - the list is endless. We can also spend time talking about your experience with pregnancy - maybe it’s been really challenging to be pregnant - we get it! Or maybe you’re so excited and ready to discuss important items to add to your baby shower registry. We are here for you. Our pregnancy consultations can go in whichever direction is most helpful and supportive to you.

We recommend booking a doula between weeks 26-32 of pregnancy, however you can begin the interview process and/or book your doula whenever it feels most comfortable for you! At MDE, we will not book labor doula support until you are in your 5th month (or further along) of pregnancy due to scheduling logistics.

We recommend beginning your childbirth education course between weeks 28-33 of your pregnancy. The most ideal time to take our 4 session childbirth education course would be during weeks 33, 34, 35, and 36 of your pregnancy. Our childbirth education courses fill up fast due to our limit of 4 couples per course, so we recommend registering earlier rather than later.

We believe a doula’s role is to offer evidence-based, non-judgemental, compassionate perinatal support to all birthing persons. Every person deserves to birth their baby in the environment they want, with the people and support they want, in the way that they want. How do you want to birth your baby? Maybe you don’t yet know and that’s okay too. We are here to educate, empower and support you in any avenue you choose.

No. A doula’s role and scope is to provide informational support and birth education so that you are aware of your options and rights as a paying patient in the healthcare system. A doula does not advocate for you, but supports you so that you can advocate for yourself.